Roberto Fonseca – exceptionnel
Roberto Fonseca is one of the most extraordinary, charismatic young pianists to explode from Cuba in recent times. He wowed audiences as a member of Buena Vista Social Club ®, co-produced Ibrahim Ferrer’s last album with Nick Gold, and his two most recent albums “Zamazu” and ‘Akokan” have received global acclaim. He takes a rich mélange of idioms from Cuban to Yoruba and jazz and he creates a mix uniquely his own.
An explosive pianist, Fonseca brings the lyricism of Herbie Hancock and the drive of McCoy Tyner to his music in intimate collusion with his superbly flexible and responsive band.
Recognition for his considerable talent has spread far and wide, and if there is another level to rise to, it would be to greatness. However, Fonseca fights shy of any attention that distracts from his music. A deeply spiritual person, who just happens to express himself through his art, he prefers to defer to the mysterious and invisible force that compels him to make music.